Gorman Joint School District

49847 Gorman School Rd, Gorman, CA, 93243

PO Box 104, Gorman, CA, 93243

Phone - 661.248.6441/ Fax – 661.248.0604



Registration Guidelines


Students that reside within Gorman Joint School District boundaries may enroll at any time.


Students that reside outside of district boundaries:

  1. For enrollment between November 1st and December 31st, registration must begin with a District of Choice (DOC) Transfer Form.
  2. For enrollment after January 1st, registration must begin with an inter-district transfer form approved by the school district of residence.


Required Documents for all registrations:

  • Original Proof of Birth
  • Certified Birth Certificate (hospital or government issued, Immigration Documents, Passport/Visa. We must witness the original, copies will be made and the original returned to you.
  • Current Immunization Record – Requirements are as follows:


4 doses at any age, but 3 doses meet requirements if one dose was given on or after 4th birthday.


5 doses at any age, but 4 doses meet requirements if one dose was given on or after the 4th birthday. Proof of TDaP booster on or after the 7th birthday is requires for all students entering the 7th grade.


2 doses, given on or after the 1st birthday.

Hepatitis B

3 doses.


1 dose or documentation from a physician that the child has had the disease.

Documents requested for Grades 1 through 8 (New Enrollees Only)

  • Copy of IEP (if applicable)
  • Check-out sheet from previous school (if applicable)


Transitional Kindergarten (TK) & Kindergarten Registration Age Information

Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1 each year to be eligible for fall enrollment in regular Kindergarten. Pursuant to EC 48000(c), a child is eligible for TK if the child will have his or her fifth birthday between September 2 and December 2.

Student Enrollment Packet (Grades TK through 8)


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