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Information about the School District of Choice Program

The law allows, but does not require, school districts to accept students from other districts under the School District of Choice program. The school district of choice determines the number of transfers it is willing to accept and ensures that students are selected through a random, unbiased process.

It is important to check with the school district of choice regarding its schools, programs, policies, and any additional application procedures.

How do I apply?

Applications are available from the school district of choice. Completed applications must be returned to the district office prior to/by December 31 for enrollment in the next school year, unless the district of residence and the district of choice have agreed to waive the timeline.


When will I be notified?

The district is encouraged to notify you within 90 days if your application has been provisionally accepted or rejected, or of your child’s position on any waiting list. You will receive final notice of acceptance or rejection by May 15 for enrollment in the next school year.


How are students selected?

After determining the number of transfer students it is willing to accept, the district selects students through a random, unbiased process. Academic or athletic abilities are not evaluated. Students will also have to meet any entrance requirements for specialized schools or programs. Priority will be given to siblings of children already in attendance in the district.


Can the district of choice reject the transfer?

The district of choice may reject the transfer if:

  1. It would negatively impact any desegregation plan or racial and ethical balance of the district
  2. It requires the district to create a new program or provide a new service to meet the student’s needs
  3. It would cause a student who resides or is currently enrolled in the district to be displaced
  4. The student has been expelled from another school district


Can my district of residence prohibit the transfer?

The district of residence may prohibit the transfer if it would negatively impact any desegregation plan or racial and ethnic balance of the district. The district may also limit the number of students transferring out each year.


Can I appeal a decision to reject the transfer?

There is no statutory right to appeal a rejection.


Is transportation provided to the school?

Upon request, the school district of choice may, but is not required to, provide your child transportation within the boundaries of the district to the extent that it is being provided to other students.


If my child is accepted, do I have to reapply each year?

The transfer will be renewed automatically each year unless the district withdraws from the School District of Choice program and no longer accepts transfer students.


Can the district revoke the transfer?

The district of choice may revoke the transfer if your child is recommended for expulsion. They may also revoke the transfer if the child does not meet the terms of the district’s attendance agreement.


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